Urban Mobility

Urban Mobility
Urban Mobility, resultant of planning efforts and execution of comprehensive mobility plans, ensure mobility as a service, social inclusion and ‘mobility for all’. The urban mobility plans are designed and developed to prioritize ease of access, safety and comfort and have potential to make societies more inclusive.
The key benefits/Outcomes of the Urban mobility include:
1. Public Safety and Health: Urban Mobility, having components such as NMT and Walkability, can provide more opportunities for increased physical activity thereby leading to good health. Even though, not quantifiable, the impacts of good health attained as of physical activities are significant. Also, Designing and operating the entire ‘right of way’ leads to safe access for all age and income groups. Safe streets lead to reduction in adult assisted trips, reduction in pedestrian injury rate and help kids be active and gain independence.
2. Foster Local Economy: Mobility for all lead to increase in Footfall for local business leading to increase in sales. Also, well-built environment attracts new business and lead to increase in land, property, and business values.
3. Environment Sustainability and reduced GHG emissions: ensuring mobility for all promotes non-motorized transit modes such as walking and biking more actively thereby leading to less emissions. Complete streets (Access, Egress, and Last mile) promote modal shift to public transport.
4. Social Inclusion: Improving right of way and introducing pedestrian footpath/ cycle tracks are clearly linked to considerations of inclusion of lower income residents which rely on non-motorized and public transit systems.
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