Under the Climate Smart Buildings Program, Resilient, Affordable
and Comfortable Housing Through National Action’ (RACHNA) is an initiative of
the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs in partnership with Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Building Material
and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC). Under the project “Development of Training Module on
Thermal Comfort in Affordable Housing” within CSB, Center for Advanced Research
in Building Science and Energy (CARBSE), CRDF, CEPT University has developed
training programs on thermal comfort for affordable housing.
These training
programs acquaint the larger audience with the nuances of thermal comfort
through a multi-layered understanding of the phenomenon and low or no-cost
interventions. It lends depth to the knowledge of professionals and technical
officials at various levels of government involved in the implementation of
relevant policies and codes for affordable housing. The content of the training
programs has been adapted into self-paced e-modules, to allow a larger audience
to access the content with convenience. The RACHNA game is also available based
on the same content.
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